Gauri Singhi | Age | Education | Biography and more | RJPL India

Gauri Singhi | Age | Education | Biography and more

Gauri Singhi

Gauri Singhi is a young content creator, she is posting her content on Instagram @_gaurisinghi.


Gauri qualified for her 11th grade and is currently in her 12th grade.

Social Media Journey

Gauri started content creation on May 2021. When Gauri started, she faced a lot of problems while creating videos but then the way people were loving her videos, she started to make more of them.

It was fun but at a certain point, Gauri got demotivated because her board’s exam was there and people (few relatives as well as some schoolmates) started talking negatively about her and tried to decrease her confidence so Gauri took a break for 1 month due to her exam. As Gauri’s boards were finished, she started making videos again as shooting videos really make her feel happy and relaxed.

Even to date many of my classmates and people (whom I know) talk unwanted stuff about me, make fun of me and hate me for no reason.. but I now never let myself get demotivated – says Gauri.

Many creators go through this situation and many of them decided to be inactive on Instagram forever – says Gauri.

All the information is collected from Gauri Singhi.

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