Gauri Bhasin | Age | Education | Biography and more | RJPL India

Gauri Bhasin | Age | Education | Biography and more

Gauri Bhasin

Gauri Bhasin is a growing content creator, she posts her content on Instagram @gauribhasin_.


Gauri is currently in 11th grade.

Social Media Journey

Gauri started her trip as a content creator in 2019. At the youthful age of 12, she faced a lot of negativity in the form of comments, which took a risk on her internal health. The negative comments affected her so much that she used to have breakdowns until lately. This was one of the biggest challenges she faced during her trip.

Despite the obstacles, Gauri no way gave up on her passion for content creation. In July 2020, she started her YouTube channel as a way to combat boredom, but she soon realized that she loved making videos and that it brought her a lot of joy, originally, she plodded with thickness, but she no way lost sight of her thing.

Being a content creator also brought with it its own set of challenges. Gauri had to deal with the pressure of creating content, as well as losing musketeers along the way. She also had to endure a break-up while putting on a stalwart face. Through it all, the one thing that kept her going was her love for content creation and the support of her family on Instagram.

Gauri is thankful for everything she has and for the openings that have come her way. Despite the challenges she faced, she remains determined to achieve indeed more in the future. She hopes that her story will inspire others to pursue their heartstrings, indeed in the face of adversity.

All the information is collected from Gauri Bhasin.

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