Priya Singh aka Jugnionbeats upcoming influencer brand. | RJPL India

Priya Singh aka Jugnionbeats upcoming influencer brand.

Priya Singh

Priya Singh know for her dance with her Instagram username ​jugnionbeats.


Priya Singh was born on 30/05/1999. Education yet not completed. Priya is going with her studies of 3rd year MBBS in kyrgyzstan.

Social Media Journey

Priya used to like to dance around as a kid in her childhood. Infact she used to feel the rhythm and do whatever she felt like, Priya was never feeling shy to perform so that proved to be a good exposure, people always cheered her and got the confidence that whatever she is doing, people do like it. Time passed and Priya learnt it and started performing at school, college and community events etc. A couple of years back the now banned Tik Tok took fame, and she liked it because it was easier to give expressions and make fun content. Instead of practicing and performing a whole song she could do the favorite and most popular snips. That was the first base where Priya got thousands of views.

Priya used Tiktok platform to take out personal time to do what she liked the most. It was like her ticket to her own world. When in March due to pandemic lockdown ​​happened and Tik Tok got banned she was a bit sad, obviously it took time and efforts for Priya to gather her precious followers. But Priya’s friends suggested her to start a YouTube channel. After some hesitation she went forward and created it. And Uploaded her first video, and with that she also posted it on Instagram, and asked people to watch it, to her astonishment the response was superb and people really loved it, from there on it has been a great journey, then Priya created a new page specially for her dancing part. Instagram reels filled with TikTok people and the reach on Instagram was better and people used to come to YouTube via there. Priya found a lot of alike minded dance lovers with whom she have done collabs, it was a new experience knowing people and participating in various competition which got her good exposure. So According to Priya lockdown helped her to focus on this, And got too much love and Support and to continue her passion.

All the information are collected from Priya Singh

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