Srikanth Balaji a popular wildlife photographer. | RJPL India

Srikanth Balaji a popular wildlife photographer.

Srikanth Balaji

Srikanth Balaji Subramanian is a wildlife photographer.


Srikanth completed his education with MCA (Master of Computer Application).

Social Media Journey

Srikanth started his wildlife photography from 2015. It all started with a small backyard garden and caring visitors like squirrel, parakeets in his locality. It paved a way to wildlife photography and Srikanth heart & soul since the year 2015. As a wildlife enthusiastic, Srikanth have explored places like Mudhuamalai, Anamalai, Kabini, Bandipur, Kanha Bandharvgarh, Tadoba, Tiger reserves. Even a normal visit would calm him down. But, a rare sight of animals in their natural habitat always recharges Srikanth mental stamina.

It’s always been Srikanth, great pleasure to share any form of photographic art and the reason being people enjoying the details present of his work is something more cheerful for him as an individual. Few of his works are published in local newspapers of Madhya Pradesh and Bhopal. Srikanth work has been also exhibited in some renowned places across the country.

A learning curve was achieved when, I was invited to be a guest speaker in various online forums and photography clubs – says Srikanth.

And even I’m happy to share that I have been awarded for my works and recent one being a speaker award during longest Multinational confluence (via virtual mode), an event was managed by Assist world records research foundation – says Srikanth.

All the information are collected from Srikanth Balaji Subramanian.

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