Divyun Nanda is a growing content creator | RJPL India

Divyun Nanda is a growing content creator

Divyun Nanda

Divyun Nanda is a growing content creator, she is posting her content on Instagram @Divyunnanda.


Divyun was born on 24th march 1996, she is pursuing her doctorate in clinical psychology.

Social Media Journey

Divyun was in college doing her bachelors. It all began with winning a contest and then promoting the sponsors of the contest.

Negativity is all around us and we have to be calm internally at the core and believe in ourselves – says Divyun.

Meditation has been for Divyun savior. If mean words of wounded souls make you feel defeated, depressed and angry. Then they have achieved what they desired – says Divyun.

Content creation, like any other profession needs passion and hard work. Consistency and creativity are important aspects if someone aspires to become content creator – says Divyun.

All the information is collected from Divyun Nanda.

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