Maitri Shah is popular content creator | RJPL India

Maitri Shah is popular content creator

Maitri Shah

Maitri Shah is an expert content creator who loves to post various videos, she is posting her content on Instagram @maitrimshah.


Maitri did her computer engineer, content writer, mindset mentor.

Social Media Journey

Maitri started her content in April 2020 with his husband during the first phase of covid. They started it purely to entertain everyone.

Being stuck at home, we thought we needed to use our time best. And then I made my account public, and people started loving our husband and wife banters, and from 1200 followers to 50K, here we are – says Maitri.

Few things that initial were very hard for Maitri.

  1. Criticism, negative comments.
  2. Not being able to be consistent.

Maitri overcome the above hardships only by thinking in the following ways:

Everyone has their side of opinion, and I cannot let their negative comments overburden my head – now, criticism does not bother me at all – says Maitri.

Consistency is the key, but I no longer allow it to take a toll on my head or personal life, so I can try to put out content as much as possible with some breaks in between – says Maitri.

Instagram’s journey has taught us to be compassionate with each other and the people who follow us. It has also made us closer to our Gujarati roots and has helped us connect with so many beautiful unknown people. I am proudly a bhabhi, an elder sister to so many of my followers with whom I could not have connected if Instagram was not there – says Maitri.

All the information is collected from Maitri Shah

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